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Schnauzer Gigante


To educate a Giant Schnauzer it must be remembered that it is not at all like its little cousin, the Miniature. Unlike this, the Giant Schnauzer is a guard dog, and one of the best, either for its size, its complexion, its absolutely black color, or the fur that covers its eyes and prevents the intruder from reading its expression. Keep in mind that it is not good to live in an apartment, in fact it is very rustic and requires large areas to run and its personality is very dominant for people who do not know how to exercise their control.

This dog is very energetic and is always alert to everything around him, ready to jump in defense of his home at the slightest sign of danger. The Giant Schnauzer does not bark easily, but it can be very dominant. To educate a Giant Schnauzer we have to start very early, to avoid dominance and aggressiveness problems with strangers, guests and even family members themselves.

Never give in to a dog, and certainly never to a giant schnauzer. As with many races, especially the most energetic and alert, they tend to take advantage of weakness to take the lead, and it is something that we cannot consent to. From a very young age you have to teach him what the rules are and who is in charge of the house, or he will make it his territory and he will be the lord and master.

In short, be firm and consistent. To educate a giant schnauzer you must never bow, or it will be taken as a sign of weakness. Be the leader, be the alpha, and you will have the best dog of all.

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